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Discover how Indigo is revolutionizing dental assistant recruitment

Combat the financial burden of high turnover and persistent vacancies in dental assistant roles with Indigo’s comprehensive solution.


Hire Dental Assistants

Indigo graduates come prepared with hands-on experience and the latest in dental care practices, ready to elevate your team's performance.

  • Radiation Safety
  • Infection Control
  • BLS Training
  • Charting and Procedures
  • Chairside Assisting

A Pipeline of Dental Assistants

Staffing shortages, high turnover, and the subsequent onboarding period for new hires significantly detract from patient satisfaction and clinic profitability.  Partner with Indigo to create a recurring pipeline of dental assistants, and learn how we can enhance this pipeline with customized training to your systems and processes. 

"The biggest constraint on revenue growth for dentists and DSOs is the availability of DAs and DHs. We're totally focused on bridging that gap."

Andrew Funk
CEO, Indigo
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Partner with Indigo

See more patients, grow office revenue, and create reliability in your workforce.